Benefits of Mediation for Short-Term Marriage Divorces

Henriksen LawDivorce Mediation Attorney

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Divorce is never easy, even if you have only been married for a short time. It’s like trying to untangle a knot quickly without making things worse, which often seems impossible with traditional divorce. It’s a long-drawn, costly, and emotionally draining battle. You can’t move on with your life when you are not sure about the outcome of your case or how long it will take.

However, Utah couples have another way to settle short-term marriage divorce – mediation. Although it may not be the best option for everyone, as Utah mediation lawyers, we often recommend it because it is faster, less expensive, and less stressful.

In this post, we’ll specifically talk about the benefits of mediation for dissolving short-term marriages.

Let’s dive into it.

Benefits of Mediation for Dissolving Short-Term Marriages

Mediation is fundamentally different from the traditional divorce in many ways: 

1. It’s Cost Effective

Divorce mediation is typically much cheaper than going to court. The latter can be long and expensive, where you have to shoulder costs such as lawyer fees, court costs, and other expenses. However, mediation is less of a formal process, which makes it highly cost-effective.

2. It’s Faster Than Going to Court

Short-term marriage divorces typically involve fewer shared assets and no children, making the issues less complex. Mediation can resolve these matters faster than the court system, which can take months if not years. A faster resolution means you and your spouse can move on with your lives sooner.

3. Mediation Is Private 

When you go to court, everything related to your divorce becomes public. But divorce mediation is private. Everything you discuss and agree with during your mediation stays confidential. If you want your personal life to stay out of the public eye, mediation is a perfect option.

4. It’s Less Stressful

Litigation is more adversarial than court, which involves dealing with your soon-to-be ex and their lawyers in a courtroom. While courtroom dramas may seem exciting, they are anything but in real life. Fighting a long-drawn courtroom battle can be intimidating and emotionally demanding, with some people requiring therapy to survive the accompanying stress.

Unlike litigation, divorce mediation is less formal and requires you both to work together to find solutions. It encourages communication, acceptance, and an honest discussion between you and your spouse. This cooperative approach reduces stress and helps both of you to feel more at ease when deciding the terms of your legal separation.

5. It’s a Win-Win for Everyone 

Mediations end in agreement 70 to 80% of the time and have a high rate of compliance. In other words, it’s a win-win for everyone. For one, it helps you save money and time and keeps you away from the high-stress courtroom drama. Secondly, mediation helps reduce the burden on our court system, saving taxpayers’ money. 

It also encourages communication, leading to fair agreements that both parties are more likely to honor. This helps you part on good terms, which is great if you share social circles or professional connections. That’s one more reason mediation is the right choice for short term marriage divorces.

How Divorce Mediation Works in Utah 

In Utah, you can voluntarily choose divorce mediation before or after filing for a divorce. But if you are going through a contested divorce, Utah family courts require you to go through at least one round of divorce medication after your spouse responds to your notice. It might help some couples resolve their conflicts mutually, saving time and money. 

If both you and your spouse agree to mediation, this is what the process might look like:

1. Choose a Mediator

The first step is selecting a mediator. You can find a county-wide list of divorce mediators on the Utah court website, which also provides basic information like:

  • How experienced the mediator is.
  • How much they charge (usually by the hour). 
  • When and where their services are available. 

We recommend speaking with a mediator directly to verify these details. The mediator is a skilled professional who can help you reach a fair agreement. They are experts in helping you communicate while putting your conflicts aside. If you are going through a contested divorce, the court will appoint a mediator.

2. Attend the Mediation Sessions 

When you meet your divorce mediator for the first time, they will explain the process and collect as much information about you as possible. It sets the tone for future sessions, so be careful about what you say during this meeting. 

Avoid being spiteful towards your ex or saying things that might make the mediator see you in a negative light. But feel free to discuss: 

  • Marital asset division
  • Financial matters like spousal support 
  • Credit card and other debts 

The mediator helps you stay focused and productive during each session, ensuring you and your spouse can voice your concerns and preferences. Every short-term marriage divorce is unique, so you might need a few sessions to reach a fair agreement.

3. Finalize Your Divorce 

The mediator will draft a settlement agreement once you and your spouse agree on all issues. It typically outlines the terms of the divorce and is submitted to the court for approval. After the judge signs this agreement, it becomes legally binding.

While the process is less adversarial, we recommend hiring a competent mediation attorney in Utah as soon as possible. Your lawyer can guide you through the process, help you understand your rights, and make sure you sign a fair agreement.


Mediation offers a practical and peaceful way to handle a divorce, especially for short-term marriages. It is cost-effective, faster, and less stressful than going to court. As this process is built on mutual understanding and communication, mediation helps you part ways on good terms and move on with your lives. Consider mediation if you are facing a divorce after a short-term marriage.

Henriksen & Henriksen Law can help you prepare for your mediation. We can help you reach a fair agreement quickly, peacefully, and without breaking the bank. Call us or visit our website to schedule your consultation.