Tips to Avoid Utah Car Accidents this Winter

Henriksen LawAuto Accident Attorney, Personal Injury

Avoid Utah car accidents this winter

As a leading Utah car accident law firm, we have seen far too many people seriously hurt in winter car accidents. While Utah car accidents happen year-round, the winter driving conditions we get in our state make the holiday season especially hazardous at times. Here are some helpful tips to keep you and your loved ones safe on the road this winter.

5 Tips to Avoid Utah Car Accidents this Winter

1. Keep up with car maintenance.

We know, winter is the worst time to be outside working on the car. But we want to encourage you to keep your car well-maintained – even if you have someone else do it – for safety reasons. A blizzard is the last time you want your car to break down because you forgot to have it serviced. And sometimes, mechanical failures can lead to Utah car accidents.

2. Drive safely based on road conditions.

Posted speed limit signs tell you how fast you can legally drive in good road conditions. But if the road has snow or ice on it, it’s best to slow down. It will be up to you how much you slow down, but try to give yourself room to maneuver and/or stop based on the road conditions. Light snow might mean going a little slower, while heavy snow or ice will require you to go a lot slower.

3. Keep your lights on.

If you have a newer car, this isn’t something you have to worry about. Your car will automatically turn on running lights when you drive. But if you have an older car, you will need to take matters into your own hands. Keeping your lights on in low light, low visibility, rain, and snow, will help other drivers see you for safety reasons. It’s a simple step to help avoid Utah car accidents.

4. Don’t let other drivers pressure you to go faster.

Having someone tailgating you when you are already nervous about road conditions is never nice. It’s unfortunate that some people feel the need to tailgate – which is dangerous and doesn’t help anything. But you should only drive as fast as you feel comfortable. Ideally, find a place to pull over and let them go past. Just don’t let them force you to drive in a way that feels dangerous.

5. Consider staying home if the roads are bad.

Dangerous driving conditions are dangerous no matter how careful you are. Sometimes, the best thing you can do is stay off of the road.

Victims of Utah Car Accidents – Call Us

Our Utah car accident attorneys are standing by to answer your legal questions. Please give us a call at (801) 521-4145 or complete our secure online contact form today. We offer free consultations so you can speak to a knowledgeable attorney at no cost to you.

Contact us now to get started!