Can You Write Your Own Will in Utah?

Henriksen LawProbate and Estate Planning

If you are wondering if you can write your own will in Utah, you are not alone. Plenty of people ask this question, and for good reason. Everyone should have a will or other estate planning document. You should, too. However, we think it’s important that you understand the benefits of using an estate planning lawyer to write your will. … Read More

Benefits of Estate Planning for Young Families

Henriksen LawProbate and Estate Planning

Young family estate law using Henriksen Law services

Starting and growing a family is a full-time job. It’s no wonder that many families don’t start thinking about estate planning until they are well-established. Some only begin considering estate planning well after their kids are grown and gone. As a family-run Utah law firm, we understand the challenges of family life well. But as estate planning attorneys, we encourage … Read More