Crucial Steps to Take Immediately After a Car Accident

Car accidents in Utah can have devastating consequences for drivers and passengers a like. However, what you do immediately to protect yourself and others on the road can have a huge impact on your insurance claim.

This is the first thing to do after being in a crash. Exit your vehicle if it’s safe and call 911 for help. Use flares and hazard lights to alert other drivers around you. Remember to stay at the scene till you can go.

Ensure Everyone's Safety

If the accident wasn’t serious and you’re unharmed, park on the side of the road to let traffic flow smoothly. Otherwise, leave it be. Also, be careful when exiting your car, especially on a busy street or highway.

Move to a Safe Location

Report the accident to local law enforcement as soon as possible. Record the investigating officer’s name, badge number, and contact details. Additionally, be sure to get a copy of the accident report from them.

Call the Police

Remember to take pictures of the collision and vehicles involved as evidence once you can. Ask everyone involved in the crash for details like their names, addresses, contact details, and driver’s license numbers.

Gather Crucial Information

We recommend you report the crash and claim insurance before the other party has a chance to do so. Failure to call the insurance company within a reasonable time after the accident can impact your compensation amount.

Contact the Insurance Company

The at-fault party’s insurance company may force you to accept a lowball settlement. But it’s vital to avoid giving in to the first offer without legal guidance. Only accept it if you’re certain the settlement is fair.

Avoid Quick Settlements

Once you report your accident to the insurance agency, get in touch with a qualified personal injury attorney. An experienced lawyer can defend your rights to fair compensation and negotiate effectively with insurers.

Seek Legal Help from Utah Car Accident Attorneys

Every step you take following a car accident can fortify your insurance claim. This is the time to use your presence of mind and take the steps mentioned above to build a solid personal injury case for yourself.


Henriksen & Henriksen is a leading and trusted personal injury law firm in Utah. Our Car Accident Lawyers are well-experienced to guide you through the legal process. Get a free consultation today!